them: 비둘기, 40x50 cm, collagraph, marbling, chine-colle, 2020

you, 50x60.6, lithograph, collage on canvas, 2020

(detail) she & I : unstable pattern , 320 x 114 cm, silkscreen on cloth, 2020

she & I : unstable pattern , 320 x 114 cm, silkscreen on cloth, 2020

volume of flatness_2020_65x65x65_etching, collagraphy, silkscreen on cloth, sewing
Him_collagraphy, drypoint, etching, silkscreen monotype_ 가변 설치 _ 2020

her_acquaintance, 30x40cm, silkscreen, 2019

her garden, 30x40cm, aquatint, 2019

them 32.6x36.5cm, silkscreen monoprint, 2019

them_팔색조, 72.7x100cm, silkscreen , collage

you and I_1인칭, 72.7x100, etching, collagraph, silkscreen, collage on canvas, 2020

you and I_3인칭, 72.7x100, etching, collagraph, silkscreen, collage on canvas, 2020